Card Decks URL Scheme

If installed on your iPhone/iPod touch or iPad, Card Decks will be opened when you click on an URL which starts with carddecks://, which designates an URL based on the Card Decks URL scheme. When opened, Card Decks will run the action which is encoded into the URL.


In Card Decks 1.x, only a single URL action, the 'add a new card deck' action, is available. This action will add the card deck which is encoded into the URL to your set of card decks.


A version 1 'add a new card deck' URL has the following structure:

where <deck> contains the name of the card deck, the default text color, and the default background color which is used for the deck's cards. A <card> entry contains the card's text, and optionally its text color and background color.

The structure of <deck> is as follows:

where occurrences of the comma ',' character inside the card deck's name must be escaped as '%2c', because the comma is used for separating the different components of the card deck definition. The default text color and background color are specified as 6 digit red-green-blue hexadecimal numbers, e.g. 'ffffff' for white, 'ff0000' for red, and '000000' for black.

A <card> entry has basically the same structure as <deck>:

but specifying the colors is optional.

Since version 1.1, a <card> entry may contain a text orientation:

Valid text orientations are 'u'(p), 'r'(ight), 'd'(own), and 'l'(eft). The default text orientation is 'u'.

In order to use special characters in the <text> or <name> field, simply add the URL encoding of a character's UTF-8 encoding, e.g. '%e2%98%ba' encodes the smiling face character '☺' and '%e2%98%b9' encodes the frowning face '☹'.


While Card Decks 2 still understands the URL format of Card Decks 1.x, it uses a new format when sending card decks by e-mail in order to encode a card deck's settings, the default card, etc.

A version 2 'add a new card deck' URL has the following structure:

where <deck> contains the name of the card deck and the deck's settings, e.g. whether auto-rotation is enabled. <default-card> defines the values for the deck's card defaults which will be used when a new card is added to the deck.


  • Answers
  • Estimation Numbers

The structure of <deck> is:

where possible settings are:
  • Grouping: g<size>, e.g. 'g5' for groups of 5 cards. 'g0' turns grouping off.
  • Deck Style: d<style>: 'd0' for the side-by-side style, and 'd1' and 'd2' for the stacked styles.
  • Corner Style: c<style>: 'c0' for rounded corners and 'c1' for cornered corners.
  • Index Dots: id<on>: 'id0' for off, 'id1' for on.
  • Index Style: is<style>: 'is0' for light index dots, 'is1' for dark ones.
  • Index Touches: it<on>: 'it0' for off, 'it1' for on.
  • Auto Rotation: r<on>: 'r0' for off, 'r1' for on.
  • Shake: s<type>: 's0' for off, 's1' for shake, 's2' for random.

A <card> entry is an extended version of the <card> entry from version 1.x which adds a value for the card's font size:

The font size is a value between '0' and '100' where '0' denotes that the card's text will be auto-sized to fit the card.

Additionally, Card Decks 2 supports 8 digit red-green-blue-alpha hexadecimal numbers for colors, e.g. 'ffffffff' for white, or 'ff000080' for red with an alpha value of 0x80.